ABN/NBA - Système Observation Cycle Hydrologique du Bassin du Niger (Niger-HYCOS) - SIH/HIS
Niger Basin Autority (NBA)

Monthly hydrological Buletin February 2014

IWRM2 Projet , NBA Niamey NIGER
mardi 25 mars 2014 par administrateur, Bachir TANIMOUNE


The total flow volume recorded from June 2013 to February 2014 along the river Niger during the 2013/2014 hydrological year is lower than those total flow recorded during the same period in the previous hydrological year (2012/2013) in all parts of the basin. The flow volume recorded at Upper Niger basin at Koulikoro was about 32.72 billion m3 that was lower than 34.57 billion m3 recorded in 2012/13. Downstream at Dire the total volume was 25.07 billion m3 that was lower than 30.95 recorded in 2012/2013 while in Niamey the total volume was 25.35 billion m3 that was lower than 31.63 billion m3 recorded in 2012/2013 and at Lokoja the total volume was 162 billion m3 that was lower than that recorded in the 2012/13 that was about 250 billion m3.

The decrease in the water levels at Selingue and Kainji dams is also reflection of low flow during the period.

Documents joints

Bulletin HYDROLOGIQUE MENSUEL. Février 2014

25 mars 2014
info document : PDF
734.2 ko

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