ABN/NBA - Système Observation Cycle Hydrologique du Bassin du Niger (Niger-HYCOS) - SIH/HIS
Niger Basin Autority (NBA)

Monthly hydrological buletin April 2014

IWRM2 Projet , NBA Niamey NIGER


In April 2014 the flow of the River Niger and its major tributaries have continued to decrease during the month.

The analyses of the hydrological situation on the river Niger was carried out using the following stations to represent the Niger basin ; Koulikoro in the Upper Niger in Mali, Diré in the Inland Delta in Mali, Niamey in the Middle Niger in Niger and Lokoja in the Lower Niger in Nigeria as shown in Fig 1.

Documents joints

Bulletin Hydrologique Mensuel Avril 2014

27 mai 2014
info document : PDF
563.1 ko

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