ABN/NBA - Système Observation Cycle Hydrologique du Bassin du Niger (Niger-HYCOS) - SIH/HIS
Niger Basin Autority (NBA)

Monthly hydrological buletin May 2014

IWRM2 Projet , NBA Niamey NIGER


May 2014 marks the end of the hydrological year 2013/2014 in the Niger River Basin. The flows have continued to decline throughout the basin. The monthly average flows recorded at Koulikoro was 187 m3/s, 44m3/s at Dire , was 101 m3/s at Niamey and 3143 m3/s at Lokoja. Ultimately, because of low rainfall throughout the Niger basin in 2014, the flows of the hydrological year 2013-2014 are very low in almost the entire basin.

However, there was the first rainfall towards the end of May in some parts of the basin.

Attached documents

Bulletin Hydrologique Mensuel Mai 2014

24 June 2014
info document : PDF
635.2 kb

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