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Exemples d’utilisation de KML pour la santé ou l’Hydrologie
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Using Keyhole Markup Language to create a spatial interface to South African water resource data through Google Earth
Integrating the water quality inventory with Google Earth has provided users of water quality
data with a new way of visualising the South African data network and of sifting the inventory for
useful data. Despite the limited potential audience, the site logs more than 100 visits per month.
Future developments could include a tighter integration with corporate systems, including the live
water quality database and the use of time-enabled markers to show how water quality at each site
measures up to the applicable standards and guidelines from year to year.
Tracking the polio virus down the Congo River : a case study on the use of Google Earthâ„¢ in public health planning and mapping
Conclusion : GE has the potential of making mapping available to a new set of public health users
in developing countries. High quality and free satellite imagery, rich features including Keyhole
Markup Language or image overlay provide a flexible but yet powerful platform that set it apart
from traditional GIS tools and this power is still to be fully harnessed by public health professionals.
Use of Google Earthâ„¢ to strengthen public health capacity and facilitate management of vector-borne diseases in [IT] resource-poor environments
Conclusion : La combinaison associant Google Earth™ et un logiciel GIS libre et gratuit (par exemple HealthMapper, développé par l’OMS, ou SIGEpi, développé par l’OPS) offre un énorme potentiel pour renforcer les capacités générales de la santé publique et faciliter l’utilisation de systèmes d’aide à la décision pour prévenir et combattre les maladies à transmission vectorielle dans les environnements pauvres en ressources.
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