ABN/NBA - Système Observation Cycle Hydrologique du Bassin du Niger (Niger-HYCOS) - SIH/HIS
Niger Basin Authority (NBA)

Monthly Hydrological Bulletin. July 2015



The hydrological flow situation in the month of July 2015 was marked by the rise of the water level in all sub-basins of the Niger River basin. The local flood in Niamey observed this month has already reached a maximum flow of 1400 m3/s equivalent to a water level of 490 cm on 31stJuly 2015. This value is therefore the highest ever recorded during the month of July at this station of Niamey since gage height observations began in 1929. In this period, the flow situation needs more attention in the monitoring of the water level at hydrometric stations located upstream Niamey, namely stations on tributaries of the right bank of the River Niger which influence more the station of Niamey.

The Sélingué dam in Mali, Lagdo dam in Cameroun, Kainji, Jebba and Shiroro dams in Nigeria are in filling up situation.

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11 September 2015
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