ABN/NBA - Système Observation Cycle Hydrologique du Bassin du Niger (Niger-HYCOS) - SIH/HIS
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Monthly hydrological Buletin October 2013 (News and Bulletins)

Management Project Unit (MPU)
Monday 2 December 2013 by administrateur, Bachir TANIMOUNE
ARRIVAL OF BLACK FLOOD IN NIAMEY The flow discharge of the river Niger has started rising in the Middle Niger basin in Niamey, as a result of the incoming black flood from the Upper Niger in Guinea and Mali. The total flow volumes are recorded in 2013/2014 hydrological year from June to (...)


Monthly Hydrological Bulletin. August 2013 (News and Bulletins)

Unité de Gestion de Projet
Sunday 22 September 2013 by administrateur, Bachir TANIMOUNE
1.0 INTRODUCTION The Niger river since the beginning of the 2nd week of August 2013, recorded an exceptional floods in Upper Niger with most areas affected in Bamako in Mali and also in Middle Niger basin in Niamey (Niger) just as was experienced in 2012. This flood is expected to continue (...)


May 2013 Monthly Bulletin (News and Bulletins)

Project Management Unit (PMU)
Wednesday 26 June 2013 by administrateur, Bachir TANIMOUNE
SUMMARY OF HYDROLOGICAL SITUATION May 2013 marked the end of the 2012/2013 hydrological year which started in June 2012 in the most part of the river Niger basin. The just concluded hydrological year was a period with the highest flood flow ever recorded in Niger basin where many lives (...)


RECOMMENDATIONS (News and Bulletins)

2th Regional Steering Committee of GIRE2 project
Friday 14 October 2011 by administrateur
RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation 1: On the launching of activities of the Phase 2 project Activities of the IWRM Project were launched on 2 December 2010 on the basis of funding obtained from the FDA (€ 3.4 million, financing agreement signed in October 2010), contracts for service agents who (...)

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