ABN/NBA - Système Observation Cycle Hydrologique du Bassin du Niger (Niger-HYCOS) - SIH/HIS

ABN/NBA - Système Observation Cycle Hydrologique du Bassin du Niger (Niger-HYCOS) - SIH/HIS

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Monthly Hydrological Bulletin: January 2020

NBO Dept./Hydrolocal monitoring
The hydrological flow situation of the Niger basin during the month of January 2020 was characterized by a low flow situation at the Upper Niger and the Lower Niger. While at the Inner Delta and the Middle Niger, the basin witnessed a mid-level flow situation due to the arrival of the Guinean (...)


Monthly Hydrological Bulletin: October 2019

NBO Dept./Hydrolocal monitoring
Friday 20 December 2019 by administrateur, Bachir TANIMOUNE, Didier ZINSOU
The end of October month was characterized by a low flow in the Upper Niger Basin. Meanwhile in the Inner Niger Delta and the Middle Niger the increase in flow continues due to the incoming black flood from upper Niger Basin. The Lower Niger River marks an alternation of the decrease floods and (...)


Monthly Hydrological Bulletin: September 2019

NBO Dept./Hydrolocal monitoring
Friday 20 December 2019 by administrateur, Bachir TANIMOUNE, Didier ZINSOU
In the month of September, the rainy season was drawing to its end on most part of Niger Basin. The concentration of previous months’ runoff water significantly contributed in increasing flow level in the Niger River’s main course where the flood wave were propagating. The reservoirs of Sélingué (...)


Monthly hydrological bulletin. AUGUST 2019

DOBN/Suivi Hydrologique
Wednesday 16 October 2019 by administrateur, Bachir TANIMOUNE, Didier ZINSOU
The hydrological situation in the Niger basin during the month of August 2019 was characterized by the continuous increase in flow in some catchment of Niger River Basin as a result of effective installation of rainy season. The filling of Selingue Dam in Mali and Kainji Dam in Nigeria is (...)



Sunday 1 September 2019 by administrateur, Bachir TANIMOUNE, KONE Soungalo

Niger River’s local floods, which began in June and July in the upper basin in Guinea and Mali, and in mid-July in Niamey, continues. It is manifested by significant and sometimes quick variations in Niger River and its tributaries’ water level. These variations have been more significant since mid-August 2019


Monthly Hydrological Bulletin. May 2019

NBA/NBO/Hydrological monitoring
Thursday 15 August 2019 by administrateur, Bachir TANIMOUNE, Didier ZINSOU
The month of May 2019 marks the end of the hydrological year 2018/2019 in the Niger River Basin, which began since June 1st , 2018. Hydrological flow situation in the Niger basin during the month of May was characterized by a continued low flow in the Niger basin. However, at the level of the (...)


Monthly Hydrological Bulletin : July 2019

Thursday 15 August 2019 by administrateur, Bachir TANIMOUNE, Didier ZINSOU
The hydrological flow situation of the Niger River Basin during the month of July 2019 was characterized by the continued rise of water in due to the installation of the rainy season. During this period, it is noted that the Selingue dam on the Sankarani tributary in Mali and Kainji dam on the (...)


Monthly Hydrological Bulletin : June 2019

OBN/Suivi Hydrologique
Thursday 15 August 2019 by administrateur, Bachir TANIMOUNE, Didier ZINSOU
The month of June 2019 marks the beginning of the 2019/2020 hydrological year in the Niger River basin. Overall, the month of June marked the onset of the rainy season throughout the basin area. During this period, it is noted that the Selingue dam on the Sankarani tributary in Mali and Kainji (...)

Niger Bassin Authority (NBA)

Monthly Hydrological Bulletin. January 2019

NBA/DNBO/Hydro Monitoring
Wednesday 6 March 2019 by administrateur, Bachir TANIMOUNE, Didier ZINSOU
Hydrological flow situation in the Niger basin during the month of January was characterized by a continued flows decrease in the Niger basin. While dry flow situation is observed at the Upper Niger and the Lower Niger. Destocking of reservoir water of Selingué Dam in Mali as well as Kainji (...)

Niger Bassin Authority (NBA)

Monthly Hydrological Bulletin. December 2019

NBA/DNBO/Hydro Monitoring
Friday 25 January 2019 by administrateur, Bachir TANIMOUNE, Didier ZINSOU
During the month of November, the flow of River Niger was characterized by a low flow situation in the Upstream and the Lower Niger. In the Inland Delta at Diré, the flow began the decrease. As for the flow in the Middle Niger, the arrival of the Guinean flood continues. The Selingue Dam in (...)

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