ABN/NBA - Système Observation Cycle Hydrologique du Bassin du Niger (Niger-HYCOS) - SIH/HIS

Monthly hydrological Buletin. January 2017

NBA/Hydrological monitoring
Monday 26 February 2018 by administrateur, Alio Abdoulaye

The hydrological situation in the Niger basin during the month of January 2018 was characterized by the lowest flow in the Upper Niger Basin compare to the previous years.
This situation is as a result of deficit rainfall recorded in the upper basin and a sudden stopped of raining season observed right from September 2017.

This situation will definitely impact the level of flood in Inner Delta and Middle Niger where it was observed flow lower than the five year dry period.

Meanwhile, in the Lower Niger in Nigeria the situation is normal as a result of normal rainfall recorded is this part of the Basin and also water releases from Kainji, Jebba and Shiroro Dams.

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28 February 2018
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