ABN/NBA - Système Observation Cycle Hydrologique du Bassin du Niger (Niger-HYCOS) - SIH/HIS
Niger Basin Autority (NBA)

Monthly hydrological buletin Jun 2014

IWRM2 Projet , NBA Niamey NIGER


The Black flood from Guinea has reached its maximum in the Middle Niger in Niamey. It continued with the mean flow in the Inland Delta and the flows tended to the minimum in the Upper and Lower Niger basins. The average monthly flow of 1517 m3/s was recorded in Niamey while 184 m3/s, 1373 m3/s, and 3270 m3/s were recorded at Koulikoro (Upper Niger), Dire (Inland Delta) and Lokoja (Lower Niger) respectively.

The water level in the Sélingué dam has continues to support low flows downstream while that in the Kainji dam has also started to decrease.

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Bulletin Hydrologique Mensuel Juin 2014

7 August 2014
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