ABN/NBA - Système Observation Cycle Hydrologique du Bassin du Niger (Niger-HYCOS) - SIH/HIS

Monthly Hydrological Bulletin. August 2013

Unité de Gestion de Projet
Sunday 22 September 2013 by administrateur, Bachir TANIMOUNE


The Niger river since the beginning of the 2nd week of
August 2013, recorded an exceptional floods in Upper
Niger with most areas affected in Bamako in Mali and also
in Middle Niger basin in Niamey (Niger) just as was
experienced in 2012. This flood is expected to continue in
September as shown in the various forecast below. The
floods are due to the high rainfalls recorded in Mali and
also the effect right bank tributaries from Burkina Faso
that has direct impact on Niamey and the downstream.
These rains are characterized, according to the Weather
services, by strong intensities such as for example,
approximately 50 mm in a few hours in Bamako, thus
causing important floods which have occurred in this city.

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