ABN/NBA - Système Observation Cycle Hydrologique du Bassin du Niger (Niger-HYCOS) - SIH/HIS


2th Regional Steering Committee of GIRE2 project
Friday 14 October 2011 by administrateur


Recommendation 1: On the launching of activities of the Phase 2 project

Activities of the IWRM Project were launched on 2 December 2010 on the basis of funding obtained from the FDA (€ 3.4 million, financing agreement signed in October 2010), contracts for service agents who participated in five activities of Phase 1 and whose performance was deemed satisfactory were extended for the implementation of the project GIRE2 in agreement with the stakeholder. The recruitment process of administrative and financial officer is underway

Recommendation 2: On the search for additional funding

Contacts were made with the African Water Facility, which provided funding for Phase 1 of Niger HYCOS. A concept note on the consolidation of the business “hydrological forecasting” was addressed to the CILSS on request, for a possible UE funding.

Recommendation 3: On the transfer of funds between the NBA and the countries

The project account was opened at the regional level in a bank (Ecobank), which has branches in all member countries of the NBA. Countries are encouraged to open their accounts in the same banking group, to facilitate the process of transferring funds.

Recommendation 4: On the efficient implementation of project activities in countries

The transfer of funds having been delayed after the start of project activities, it was found that the majority of countries do not follow the stations and only transmit the data to the NBA if the financing is done by the latter. We can therefore say that the level of formal implementation of the first point of the recommendation concerning the continuation of monitoring is very low or even zero in some countries. A broad reflection between the NBA and participating countries should be organized in order to find ways and means to further hydrological observations on the Niger River on the basis of sustainable funding.

Recommendation 5: On the maintenance of Data Collection Platforms (DCP)

Financial provisions have been included in the project budget to ensure the acquisition of spare parts and maintenance of DCP as part of project activities. The search for additional funding to supplement these provisions that remain inadequate is underway. Meanwhile, it is critical that the transmission of data in quasi real time is ensured by means of mobile phones available to observers

Done in Conakry, on Octobre 2011, 7th

The Regional Steering Committee

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